Tuesday, June 1, 2010

my weekend continues

Hello lovelies! Yah for five day weekends!!! Today has been hectic and busy but there are always lots of things to accomplish after a lazy weekend. Yesterday, we took Lucy swimming for the first time and she loved it! She is going to be a water baby just like I always was. I'll post an updated picture soon. I lost my camera for a bit but I didn't miss capturing too many things.

Day 1 of the book challenge has gone well. Since I spent a great deal of my day in the car running errands, I nearly completed one of my audiobooks and last night (after midnight of course) I read a great deal of another book. I think before the end of the evening, I'll have completed about 1.5. I've begun this journey with Thirteenth Tale and The Middle Place. I plan to review at least two books a week and will gladly share otherwise my opinions for any that are not reviewed.

I am very excited about this challenge! Here are my ground rules: 1. No books on the list have been previously read. 2. Audiobooks are acceptable but must be limited to only 50 titles, preferably less. 3. Remain open-minded and willing to read things that typically you would not. Also, I've decided that in the event that some of these books are difficult to obtain, I'm going to create an alternate list (of about 5 books) to put in if necessary, if things are coming to a close and I can't seem to find a book that I need.

I wish I was saying that I was wrapping things up at work, but it just isn't so. They are great employers and I didn't want to leave them high and dry, so instead of working out a two week notice, I elected to stay until my replacement is found. In addition, since I typically trained people, I will assist in training my replacement as well. They have received some resumes but I don't believe they have any interviews scheduled yet. I hope this process isn't too lengthy.

I hope you all have a great week and I'll hopefully post a review soon.
<>< Cass

1 comment:

Only A Mama knows said...

Aww, I can't wait to see photos of sweet little Lucy in the water! :)

Good luck with your reading adventure! ....you make me want to go to my bookshelf and pick one up myself.

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