Weight Gain: -5 lbs. total, I can't believe I'm not gaining! Not that I'm complaining...
Sleep: Eh, I don't know if you can ever get enough sleep when you're pregnant, especially with a toddler that wakes you up early. I haven't been as exhausted though unless I do tons of stuff during that day.
Gender: It's a GIRL!!! I wasn't surprised really and I would have been happy either way. I am, however, slightly doubting this because two of my friends that are also pregnant, just further along, have recently found out much later in their pregnancy that the first gender determined was wrong. So I'm a little paranoid. :)
Names: Audrey Alexandra - We originally had Audrey picked as Lucy's name because I've always loved this name but it just didn't feel right when I found out that she was a girl, so I went with my gut and named her Lucy, which couldn't be more perfect. So, Audrey was put away for just the right baby! We decided to go with Alexandra to honor Gary's Nana that recently passed. Her name, Sandra, when we looked it up in the baby name book says: short for Alexandra or Cassandra. So, because one of his cousins is Cassandra, we didn't feel right taking her name. I have to say, it was harder to pick another girl name than I thought it would be.
Feeling: excited and relieved to know the sex so I can start planning
Health: Blood pressure is still great and we did blood work, which as far as I know, was normal. I have been dealing with headaches and backaches but nothing too terrible. I'm probably going to restart my regular chiropractic visits soon to keep this stuff in check.
Movement: I've definitely been feeling her dancing in there! She's a wiggle worm, just like Lucy was. Gary hasn't been able to feel her yet, but with how often she's moving, surely soon it will happen.
Belly Button: normal
Cravings: dips - I've been craving spinach dip and jalapeno cheddar dip. I think it's hilarious!
Next Appointment: being rescheduled because I wasn't thinking when I scheduled it originally, but sometime in June